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Jacksonville Jaguars and United Way Back to Football Friday T-Shirt - White

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Childhood obesity is an important issue that affects many families across the nation. The United Way of Northeast Florida and the Jacksonville Jaguars have partnered together for another year of their longstanding relationship to raise awareness for this cause and celebrate the upcoming season of Jaguars football! Back to Football Friday is the NFL?s program to promote the health and wellness of children nationwide. When you purchase this tee to wear on September 9th, not only will you inspire those around you to take part in this wonderful event, but $5 of the proceeds will go to the United Way, benefiting the youth of Jacksonville for years to come!

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T-Shirts - Jacksonville Jaguars
Jerseys - Jacksonville Jaguars
Hats & Caps - Jacksonville Jaguars
Jackets - Jacksonville Jaguars

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